For presenting: is it an event, a trade fair, a tv presentation?
For voiceover: is it an: app, audio guide, audio book, live announce, corporate image film, commercial, documentary narration, E-Learning, navigation system, IVR…?
What should be advertised/communicated and how large is the company (e.g an international brand, medium size company or startup with one office)?
If possible include the script. If you don’t have the script in English, you can send it in German, Spanish, Portuguese or French. Tania can also translate the script into English for you from those languages.
If you don’t have a script YET, then please state how long the film or video is.
When do you need it completed?
Passive usage is defined as image films simply posted on the internet (customer websites, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) that require an additional click to start.
Active usage (commercial spots) generally means that a spot/image film will be placed for a fee to reach a passive audience (broadcast, cinema, etc.). Spots or videos posted as elements of internet campaigns will be priced as active usage (commercial spots).Acitve usage i.e. commercials: in which medium(s) will it be shown?
In which country or region will it be shown?
For how long will it be shown?
Do you want to live monitor the session via Skype, ISDN, Session Link Pro, Source Connect Now etc?
Or if you need editing or audio post completed also.
Attach the final script. Make sure the script is 100% correct;
Editing/adaptation may be necessary if a rough translation is provided, the text is inadequate for speaking or does not meet timing requirements of the film material.
It will be sent to you as an mp3 or wav file of the recording, plus an invoice. You can also listen in to the session and give live direction if required using Skype Session Link Pro.
Or you can just wait for the files to arrive! It's up to you...
If you are completely satisfied with the recording then the work is done and you pay the invoice.